Tuesday, 18 June 2013


It was impossible to prepare a new video conference to say goodbye to our Comenius partners. The last days we were really busy and every school had its own activities. But my  pupils wanted to say goodbye to their Comenius friends, because they wanted to keep in touch, so here you are some goodbye letters from Spain.
Can we say "see you soon" better than "good bye"?,
we are looking forward to hearing from all of you



  1. How sweet of your students!

    It was a pity we couldn't menage to videoconference for the "last time". But you see, students have more immagination than us: providing letters for their friends. Great.
    See you soon Spanish children, see you soon Maria del Mar!

  2. Their letters are so touching...really sad we are saying goodbye but I will agree "See you soon"! I am happy because children from Spain as all of us enjoyed this unique experience!
